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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas Vacation - Part II

We left Rothenburg with enough time to get to the resort in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (GAP). They have really weird dinner hours, and we didn't want to have to stop on the road since it was snowing and icy and all that. Besides, dinner out in Germany is an affair, you don't just stop to eat a quick bite unless it's McDonald's.

It was about 3 hours from Rothenburg to GAP. On the way, J & S kept seeing all these signs that tell you where the exits are on the Autobahn. It says "Ausfahrt" before every exit. Basically, you have to read the road signs like a mile before the Ausfahrt sign to know to get off. Anyway, they kept seeing this sign. Finally, one of them asks "Where the hell is Ausfahrt? I keep seeing signs for it and we've been driving a long time. Is it a big city like Berlin or something?"

Okay, I was in a crabby mood, but my husband and I burst out laughing. Americans are so silly - we'd become completely German and couldn't control ourselves. We explained to them that the exit signs aren't like American exit signs. They thought it was particularly funny ... and also that it had the "fart" word in it. They were comparing it to someone with really bad English grammar skills that was trying to say "out fart". They're suckers for cheesy jokes like that. We also taught them the word Auspuff which means exhaust. Though, we tended to use the word to mean fart, so J&S of course loved that one too. They still say it to this day to excuse themselves. I think we'll probably hear it until they die. I can see them annoying nursing home nurses with it ...

Now, Edelweiss Lodge is a big military resort on a NATO base in GAP. You have to be military, a military family member, or have a special pass with your military friend/distant relative. We had gotten J&S a pass before they came because it took weeks to approve, so we rolled right in around 6pm and rushed in. My husband got our hotel rooms all squared away after some problems that nearly sent me through the roof. Basically we had reserved a room we'd had formerly that was quiet, away from the street and had stellar views of the Alps right out the window - and they idiots told us "Oh, you didn't have a reservation for a specific room."

I was livid, but we were all starving so I fumed all the way up to the rooms to throw our stuff on our beds. We got adjacent rooms so it would be easier. Everyone went in their room, took off their coats, ran to the bathroom, and then we all rushed down stairs to the restaurant area. There are two restaurants in the Resort, a snack bar in the fitness/pool center, and a casino with a bar in it. We all decided to eat at the buffet. It was cheaper than the bar or the restaurant (both of which you had to make reservations at) and pigged out as we'd eaten very little the whole day.

I had the worst time with the buffet. My arm was still cast-ified so I had to try carrying a tray around one handed, picking up heavy plates with my left hand, serving myself with my left hand, carrying my heavy tray with my left hand ... it was all very exhausting work. My husband helped me a little, but was of course more concerned about the food going on his plate. I don't know that it bothered me too much then though, I think I was too hungry to care. By the time I had exerted all my energy on getting the food, my tummy was growling.

After dinner we were all tired enough to want to drop off to sleep. We had a big morning ahead as we were going to Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles. These are the two fairy tale castles opposite the mountain from each other that everyone knows. Neuschwanstein was built by the last king of Bavaria, the so called mad Ludwig. We were all really REALLY excited to head out right after breakfast, so we all went to bed without much of a fuss.

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