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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Things Must Change

DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. It is not an attack. THIS IS HOW I FEEL. THESE ARE MY OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES. You can't change that.

Since many people responded to my previous post in a way I half expected (dared to hope wouldn't), I would like to remind everyone who reads this that this is a blog about MY life, MY experiences, MY views, MY opinions. None of which is something that you can affect with words. So, I'd like to explain something about having depression and a borderline personality ... mothering them will not work. Telling them things aren't so, will not work. Giving them an "open door" will readily be ignored. And again, I am not saying this to hurt people's feelings. I'm stating the truth. It forces me to withdraw further.

I've spent my entire life reaching out, and floundering. This is something I struggle with daily. I've tried initiating friendship, I've tried carrying on friendship, I've tried being a good family member all of these situations, I get walked upon. People lie, people flake, people don't want to be around me, people don't want to do the things I want to do - but when the tables are flipped, they expect me to respond. I'll give an example.

I was acquaintances with someone in college. I really wanted to be her friend; she was a really interesting person and someone I felt I could connect with over a weird interest in serial killers. (Since that is aside from my point, I'll leave you wondering.) One summer, she stayed at school. I called her and asked if she could come help me put together some furniture as my husband and I had just moved and he was working full-time and attending classes. She came over and helped me put together the dining table, the chairs, and a small coffee table. We got to talking about things, and she wanted to be a bone specialist. I explained I had a really interesting book on bones. It told this hilarious story about how Michael Jackson thought he could buy the Elephant man's skeleton - which is just wrong on so many levels. I ended up loaning her that book, and another one. On another occasion, we went together to Moscow to have her hair cut since she didn't want to go alone. I thought we were building a good rapport. That year in college, she wanted my support with a major decision she was making. I threw myself behind her because I really believed she could make change happen. Not long after this, she didn't get the position she wanted and I feel she blamed me and my husband for not being her champions. Shortly after this incident, she invited us to a costume party. My husband and I had spent most of the afternoon fighting, so neither of us was in a good mood and we couldn't put costumes together in time. We called and told her we wouldn't be able to make it, that neither of us was feeling very good and that we were fighting, maybe it was best we didn't make her party awkward. This was quite truthful. I think if we had gone, we would have been fighting a lot longer than we could have been. She stopped talking to us much after that unless it was out of convenience. We never received invitations again, when we'd ask her to do something she was always too busy to spend time with us, but not other people, she never returned the books I loaned her, and then a few months later, she moved to the other side of the country to attend graduate school. We've never heard from her again.

This is a pattern in my life. Like it or not, I can give someone every reason to believe me, to trust me, to be kind to me, I can reach out, and then suddenly it's gone. Often without explanation. This remands me to keep to myself. I stop asking anything, and thus I never get anything. I become infuriated when people think they know how to fix me too. I don't want to be fixed. I don't want to understand YOUR view. I don't live in YOUR world because my problems are mine. They stem from me and MY environment. Not yours.

I don't want people's pity. I don't want people's feeble attempts to open doors. (And I say feeble because in MY experiences they have all been feeble, never honest.) I hate to say it, but what I want is someone to just know and then act. Yes, I'm a woman and yes that means in some cases you are expected to be a mind reader. I'm sure everyone can relate to that, but what I am saying here is that I often don't have any idea what the hell it is I need. I don't get it from my family, and I don't get it from the people I know. Often, the only person in the world that can give me anything is my husband. And, he's got enough on his plate - I hate pressuring him to do more. He's been so wonderful that I can't just dump on him anytime I feel like. In fact, he is NOT a punching bag or a trash can. This is something I expect other people to automatically accept without explanation. He can't always be the one.

Finally, my speaking out about my views and my experiences isn't here for you to judge or change my mind about. Things have to change. I'm not some five year old that you can get to believe in Santa, I'm a 30 year old woman with a husband, a degree, a career, 2 home businesses and medical problems. Consolation does not come in the form of "wishing" things for me, or telling me "that's not the way it is." It makes the issue(s) worse. So what is my motivation for doing this?

My getting rid of the poison in my heart, I can be free. THAT, is worth the pain and heartache in the end because at the end of the day, I know who I am and that is all that I want to matter.

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