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Monday, July 20, 2015

Life Ain't No Stack of Pancakes

You might be wondering what I am really like when you read my blog. Am I always so downhearted and disillusioned? Am I a whiner? Am I a party pooper?

No. To all of those.

I'm somewhat of the mindset that people confuse conversations and statements on social media, blogs, interviews, etc, with reality. These are snapshots in time of what my life is like, this is not my life. Well, that might seem contradictory to everything I've said in the past - but think about it deeply for a moment. You are not your diabetes disease, you are not your sprained ankle, and you are not your asthma. But, living with a condition, disease, or injury can make the bad moments stand out from the good ones.

I'm somewhat of a morning person. By this I mean, if I've had a good or decent night's sleep, I'm peppy at work and drive my coworkers crazy with my happy face and jokes. I'm a fluent sarcasm expert. When someone asks me to do something, I tell them very sweetly "Not today. Maybe Tuesday." Tuesday is my fall back day ... mostly because Tuesdays are usually my days from hell at work. You'd think everyone hates Mondays ... but not me. I hate Tuesdays.

I'm a very loving person, and I just want to be loved in return. This is perhaps my biggest sore spot. As a human being who craves true friendship, unconditional familial relationships and respect, I try to make everyone my friend. I never succeed in this, but I don't stop trying. Someone out there somewhere will connect with me I hope, and I never stop hoping. Hope is all we have on this tiny planet because nothing is certain.

Life ain't no stack of pancakes. Aside from the holy nightmare of being a lac-tard (lactose intolerant), believe me. You can't win every single day; it just doesn't happen like that. Pancakes don't just appear in front of you smothered in strawberries and cream with a hot mess of syrup - as much as we'd all love that to be true. You can't live your life with rose colored glasses on. That's no way to live. Take off the glasses. Reality is that you only have control over your mind and body. Everything else is chaos.

I feel that I am an inspiring person. At work, I'm always told that I'm helpful, knowledgeable, and that others wish they could be just like me. Hey, I wish they could too. It's a definite confidence boost to know that others respect you and look up to you. When I give piano lessons, I try to instill the magic of music in each of my students in a unique way that touches their little souls. I get great comments from parents who are grateful, and see improvements as amazing feats of nature. Well, THEY ARE!

I'm also a very kind person. I mean well. I have a tendency to hold open doors for old men. I don't know why they're always old men, but it feels like 90% of the time, my door holding is for old men. Probably because I tend to be an old people magnet and I go inside the bank like all the little old people. I don't know. I'm laughing now, because it's true. I have an old people radar. I love them, they love me. You can also catch me with my husband making donations to important charities when we can afford it. I'm mediocre at charity, but I try to be a charitable person. I wish I could be more charitable. This last Christmas, we gave to the local Veteran's Association. Well, I did. My husband was down the street but I took my last $10 from my paycheck that week, and stuffed it in the Veteran's Affairs can out in front of a local bookstore. I do the angel tree every year - sometimes for two needy children. My husband and I have done the angel tree 4 out of the last 5 years - when we could afford to spoil a child in a foster home rotten. We also invest in Girl Scout cookies, I've ran my department of over 100 people's campaign for United Way where we raised over $2000 worth of items for a raffle that supported local businesses, low income families, women's programs, and more. I listen to people, I donate old clothes and household items, I reach out to people, I love my animals, and I try to smile. I think that goes a lot in the way of kindness in this era.

I vote responsibly. I'm not sure you were expecting that, but I'm not a political activist of any sort. I have my convictions yes, but I do take voting seriously.

I also cry when I watch documentaries, movies or TV shows that have very strong themes that I can connect with. Cheesy or not, it's hard to touch my heart sometimes with all the desensitization we get with the media and society glorifying and over exposing violence, etc. But when my friends/acquaintances tell me the bad things that happen to them, or I watch something truly heartbreaking, I'm a big fat softie. I just hide it super well.

I love love LOVE to play games. Board games, card games, dice games ... anything that's not creepy or too out there like DND or Magic. No, it's more like I want to sit down and play Phase 10, Power Grid, Ticket to Ride, Boggle, etc. I hate just playing alone with my husband too. It gets old quick. But, we can rarely get anyone interested in coming over for a games night. Though, we recently had one with a friend we've known since college, and to whom I give her daughters' piano lessons - and I think we had a good time playing Clue, Skip-Bo, and Settlers of Catan.

So, even though life ain't no stack of pancakes, it's not all crappy either. I live with a disease. Sometimes my bad days are really bad. People need to hear the bad stuff just as much or as often as the good stuff.  I think that generally, people need to hear the bad stuff more than the good. The people in my life tend to sweep everything under the rug and think it's okay to do so. People did that with my mom's cancer and a lot of them missed out on the last two years of her life. If we don't deal with the obstacles and issues in our lives, we'll never learn anything and we'll never have those awesome days. Besides, do you really want to come on my blog to find 1 sentence saying "I opened a door today."? That would be super boring. I think it's more realistic if I said "I struggled for 30 seconds, but finally was able to turn a doorknob today and open a door. It hurt really bad, so I'm going to go sit down and relax until I feel I have some strength again. It's frustrating."

I'm a person. I'm not a sentence or paragraph. I cannot be "summed up." I live a life that is complex. There's more than meets the eye.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your blog, I cannot stop myself saying that you are a kind and humble person living your own life, full of complex, as it should be lived despite of the problems. It's inspiring me a lot to have a spirit of helping aged people also.
